First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email*
Spouse/Housemate name or n/a*
Which animal are you interested in* Choose an animal: Beefcake BESO Big T Bindy (Foster Animal) Brody (In Foster) Buffy (In Foster) Burtrum (Foster Animal) Carl Chewbacca (Chewy) Clover COTTONTAIL Crunchwrap - adoption fee half off! Dog/Cat Not Listed EASTER Emmitt (In Foster) adoption fee half off!! Flap Jack (In Foster) Fonda Lupita GEMMA Gertrude Goblin 2.0 GUM DROP Hashbrown HOPPER JELLY BEAN Kiwi Miss Lacy Mojo Jojo (Foster Animal) Mooshu (Please Read My Story) Murphy Nala No Bake ORSON Patty Periwinkle (In Foster----DEAF!) Shortbread Sugar Cookie SUNDAY Valenti Violet (In Foster)
How did you hear about CARA? Choose one: Internet Friend Newspaper Event Other
Have you or anyone in your immediate family ever applied for a pet through CARA in the past* Choose one: Yes No
If yes please list applicant's name and approximate date
Why are you interested in adopting a pet at this time*
Are you 21 or older* Choose one: Yes No
Years at current address*
If less than three years, please list previous address
On a scale of 1-10 one being I watch a lot of TV and 10 being I run daily - what level is your FAMILY in general.* Choose one: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If you choose to or are required to move in the future, is there a possibility that you would not be able to take your pet(s) with you* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, what would you do
Do all adults work outside of the home* Choose one: Yes No
Are all family members (or roommates) in agreement about adding a new pet to your family* Choose one: Yes No
How many children (under 18) live in the home (please list number and ages)*
Do any household members have known allergies to pets?
How many hours a day will your new pet be without human companionship*
Will the animal be kept inside or outside* Choose one: Inside Only Outside Only Inside and Outside
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home*
Where will the animal be kept when you are home*
Where will your new pet sleep at night? Please be specific*
Describe how you will train the pet*
What traits are you looking for in a pet
If you are adopting a kitten or cat, how do you plan on meeting your new kitty's instinctual need to scratch
Is your yard FULLY fenced - meaning if you put a dog in the yard the dog cannot escape unless you open a gate.* Choose one: No Yard Unfenced Yard Yard Partially Fenced Yard Completely Fenced
What is the height of the fence if you have a fenced in yard. Please put N/A if you do not have a fully fenced in yard.*
What type of fence do you have?* Choose one: Privacy Chain Link Invisible / Electric No fence
If not fenced, how will you exercise your new dog and allow appropriate potty time
Who will be the primarily responsible for the care and supervision of the animal?*
Do you rent, own, or live with family* Choose one: Rent Own Live with Family
If renting does your lease allow for pets? Have you verified any breed/ pet limit restrictions prior to applying to adopt. By choosing yes below this shows you have already checked with your property manager to ensure the pet you are hoping to adopt will be welcome in your home. Please list your property manager and phone number as well. Thank you.* Choose one: Yes No N/A
Have you ever had to give up or find another home for a pet in the past?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please explain:
A well cared for pet may live in excess of 12 years. Does your lifestyle, career, and family plans allow you to make this commitment and you WILL NOT give pet away if you have a child or move to a place that does not allow pets?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you prepared financially to spend a minimum of $1000 per year for veterinary care, food, and other related expenses? If you had an emergency tomorrow could you afford to take the pet to an emergency vet where payment is due?* Choose one: Yes No
Please list all companion animals you have had in the past 10 years. Pet#1 Name of pet? Type of pet? # of years with family? Spayed or neutered (if no why not)? Indoor or outdoor? What happened to this pet? What veterinarian did you use?
Pet#2 Name of pet? Type of pet? # of years with family? Spayed or neutered (if no why not)? Indoor or outdoor? What happened to this pet? What veterinarian did you use?
Pet#3 Name of pet? Type of pet? # of years with family? Spayed or neutered (if no why not)? Indoor or outdoor? What happened to this pet? What veterinarian did you use?
If you have additional pets please list their information below:
If not already listed with current or previous pets, please provide a veterinarian reference. (Your Vets office will be contacted to verify medical history). Include Name, address, and phone number.
Please list three personal references OTHER THAN RELATIVES. Include name and telephone numbers. Its fine if they do not live close to you - they just need to know you well.*
Do you have any other information you would like to add? i.e. there is another animal you were interested in and did not see their name on the list or you were filling out this form to be approved as a foster parent?
Have you applied to other rescue groups and/or are looking at your local shelter for a new pet* Choose one: Yes No
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